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☯︎ Chakra(s): Throat, Third Eye

☆ Zodiac: Sagittarius

𖦹 Elements: Storm

Pink Agate


All Agate crystals carry a sweet and gentle energy that comes softly and deliberately to imbue the chakras with an earthy vibration of Love that brings healing, stability, and harmony where there is an imbalance in body and spirit

It cleanses and purifies the emotional body, dissolving fear, anger, resentment etc., and assists us to navigate life's challenges with trust and grace, opening consciousness to the deeper teaching and opportunities held in such experiences.

Agate sets us on the path of healing and right use of will no matter how many times life knocks us down. It reconnects consciousness to the memory of the authentic self and one's inner wisdom and truth as it dissolves fear-based beliefs. Agate brings strength to our connection with the Divine and creates a bridge that channels our spiritual life into the physical. It is a teacher of discernment and acceptance, introspection and contemplation. This gentle and powerful ally supports our physical and spiritual unfolding in nearly every way.

Agatized Coral

Healing Properties

In healing, Agate is believed to instill courage, clarity, and calm. It grounds one deep into the Earth and the consciousness of Gaia, assisting our unfolding and understanding of the natural world and appreciation for life. It is believed to assist healing with issues affecting the lymph, pancreas, eyes, digestive system, intestines, and stomach. It is also thought to cleanse, ground, bring clarity and mental focus.


Agate is found in many forms and colors. Non-banded agate is generally more solid in color with fewer inclusions. Each Variety of Agate will carry very similar qualities to regular and/or banded Agate, but also have its own unique healing quality based on color and mineral content.

Tree Agate

Flower Agate

Botswana Agate

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