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☯︎ Chakra(s): Crown

☆ Zodiac: Pisces

𖦹 Elements: Earth


Crazy Lace Agate, like all other Agate crystals, vibrates slowly and deliberately to bring powerful grounding that strengthens and stabilizes body, mind, and emotions, and bring balance of these bodies into alignment with energy bodies. It brings healing to the emotional body, prompting flexibility in thinking. It encourages a strong sense of safety and self-confidence.

Crazy Lace Agate brings protection as it dissolves negative energy and blocks and re-opens the flow of chi, bringing vitality to body, quiet and calm to mind, and healing to emotions. it teaches one acceptance of 'what is' and guides one towards unity and wholeness wherever one is fractured. The Crazy Lace Agate crystal also imbues the consciousness with joy and feelings of light-heartedness, and opens our awareness so that we can witness the inherent beauty that exists around us.

Healing Properties

In healing, the Crazy Lace Agate crystal is believed to ease issues related to intestines, skeletal system, and circulation.

See 'Agate' article for additional information.

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