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Jaime Nevins, LMT

Back Together Massage

I am a licensed massage therapist through the state of Iowa, a member of the American Massage Therapy Association, and am proud to be a graduate of Carlson College of Massage Therapy. 


When I was 19 I received sexual assault advocacy training. Since then I have continued to work to end rape by supporting survivors and continuing activism to educate and help end gender violence.


I have 7 1/2 years of experience with client advocacy in clinics based on feminist ideals in the south and midwest. At one of these clinics I was able to gain experience working with transgender clients in a health care setting. I continue to learn, speak out, and educate in my community around gender, racial justice, accessibility, and other issues. 

Cold Stone Therapy for Migraine

A 15 minute treatment followed by a 15 minute 'reboot'. It includes aromatherapy to help identify triggers and can help prevent or lessen migraine pain. 

Scar Tissue Release

Scar tissue release can increase circulation to and from an area, release impinged nerves, reduce fibrosity, puffiness, and discoloration. Scar tissue is a tangle of collagen fibers that forms to heal an injury. Good work body! While some surgical procedures only leave small scars externally, there can be much more scar tissue that is not visible. Even small scars can create restrictions in the body's fascia. Our fascia is meant to be our elastic netting (think 3D leotard). When there is an interruption in that stretch the body compensates in ways that can lead to stiffness, soreness, loss of range of motion, or even pain in seemingly unrelated areas.

Infant CranioSacral Therapy or Massage

Thirty minutes of infant massage. Infant massage can help with digestion and encourage the development of coordination. Includes parent instruction if desired. 

Back Together Massage eGift Card

Know someone who spends their life taking care of others and generally making the world a better place? Maybe sometimes they forget to take care of themselves? A gift certificate is an easy way to remind them they are valued. Click the link below!


60 Minute  /  $100

Best for relaxation or one area that needs some specific work.


90 Minute  /  $140

Great if you want to give special attention to those aches and pains and have time to quiet your mind. Perfect for folks who don't start to relax until 45 minutes in!


2 Hour  /  $180

Indulge! All of the above applies.


Acute/30 Minute  /  $60

(Available for established clients only)


Infant First Visit  /  $100

Infant Return  /  $60


Check out Jaime's website to book a session!



Where to find us:

1700 S. First Ave, Suite 11C Eastdale Plaza

Iowa City, IA 52240

Have any questions? Contact us!

319 - 351 - 2907

About Us

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We have Healers offering a variety of services, such as Energy work, Meditations, Crystal and Sound Healing,

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Shop Open Hours:

(Sunday-Tuesday by appointment)


12:00 - 5:00


12:00 - 5:00


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12:00 - 5:00


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