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☯︎ Chakra(s): Root, Sacral

☆ Zodiac: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

𖦹 Elements: Earth


Crimson Cuprite is a stone of courage, grounding, and vitality. Its healing properties ground one deep into the Earth and the consciousness of Gaia. Crimson Cuprite connects us with the Divine Feminine nature, and calls forth the vital life force of Earth, re-energizing the physical body, clearing and stimulating opening of the Base Chakra, and balancing the dual nature of the Sacral Chakra.

Crimson Cuprite moves us beyond the primal fears of the Base Chakra, releasing old traumas, anxiety, and confusion, and leaves behind a sense of safety and security, assisting us to trust the process of life once again. It balances the Sacral Chakra, igniting passion and creativity, and moves us towards a more open, selfless approach to life.

Healing Properties

In healing, Crimson Cuprite is believed to ease issues associated with kidneys, blood, intestines, bladder, reproductive organs, restore physical vitality, and calm nerves.

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